This site, www.patrickseguin.com , is edited by the Bergerot Company, trading under the trade name of « Galerie Patrick Seguin », a limited liability Company and a share capital of 105,203 Euros, registered with the Registry of Companies of Paris under Number 350.750.303, with Head Office at N° 5, rue des Taillandiers, F 75011 Paris (hereafter « Galerie Patrick Seguin »).
Identification Number under the European Union : FR 62 350 750 303
Contact : info@patrickseguin.com
Phone Number:
Publication Editors: Laurence Seguin and Patrick Seguin.
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As of February 24, 2020
These Terms of Service aim to govern access and use of the site as available at the following address www.patrickseguin.com (hereafter, the « Site ») edited by Galerie Patrick Seguin as identified hereabove in subsection « Legal Notices».
Every person using or visiting the Site is hereafter defined as a « User ».
When the User accesses the Site or sends an e-mail to info@patrickseguin.com he or she acknowledges having read the Terms of Service and accepted them without restriction.
These Terms of Service prevail over any other general or particular conditions of the User.
Galerie Patrick Seguin reserves the right to alter or adapt these Terms of Service without previous notice by issuing a new version of these Terms of Service on the Site. These alterations will come into force as of their publication on the Site and will therefore be immediately effective against any User. The ‘last updated’ date is mentioned at the top of these Terms of Service.
Galerie Patrick Seguin advises any person visiting the Site to save or print the Terms of Service without modification.
Galerie Patrick Seguin is the sole owner of the Site as well as of every constituent element thereof, whether software, data base structure, text, information, analysis, image, photography, graphic design, logo, sound or every other data as contained in the Site. These may in no case be reproduced, used or represented without the written and express consent of Galerie Patrick Seguin, under threat of prosecution.
The right of use as conferred to the User is limited to the right to view online the original intellectual works and data as contained in the Site, and the right to print and/or save said elements for strictly private and non-commercial purposes.
Any other use of the Site, and notably any commercial use by the User is forbidden without the written and express consent of Galerie Patrick Seguin.
Whoever infringes on the rights of Galerie Patrick Seguin incurs penalties as provided by the Code of intellectual Property, notably under infringements of copyright (articles L. 335-1 et seq.), of trademark law (articles L. 716-1 et seq.), and by the Civil Code as regards civil liability (article 9, articles 1240 et seq.).
The creation of any web links with reference to any web page or element of the Site is forbidden, except by previous written permission by Galerie Patrick Seguin, which may be withdrawn at any time. Galerie Patrick Seguin is not liable for web links pointing at the Site, in such a manner that Galerie Patrick Seguin disclaims responsibility (notably editorial responsibility) concerning access and material contained in these sites.
The Site may include web links with other sites as may be found on the Internet. The User acknowledges that these links with other resources make him/her leave the Site. Galerie Patrick Seguin may not be held liable for the content of these sites.
Galerie Patrick Seguin collects and processes data in order to allow the User optimal use of the Site.
According to the Data Protection Act N° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to Computer, Database and Liberties as modified, known as « Computer and Liberties Act », the European Regulation N° 2016/679 on Data Protection, or « GDPR », and every other Regulation as applicable regarding to the protection of personal data (hereafter « Applicable Regulation»), this Privacy Policy gives information about such personal data as may be collected and about their processing, and explains the rights of Users as to their personal data.
The Privacy Policy is an integral part of the Terms of Service of this Site. The use of the Site implies acceptance of the Terms of Service including this Privacy Policy.
4.1.Nature of collected data
The ” Personal Data ” are any information relating to a private individual as directly or indirectly identified or identifiable, notably through additional details. These data include data of a personal nature as well as any data relating to them and allowing one to identify a private individual.
The User may be led to impart Personal Data to Galerie Patrick Seguin by signing up to the Galerie Patrick Seguin Newsletter through section ” CONTACT / NEWSLETTER ” of the Site and/or for any message sent through section ” PRICE ON DEMAND ” of the Site.
Personal Data as thus collected by Galerie Patrick Seguin are :
- compulsory and optional data for the provision of services as offered by the Site :
These are the following : name and e-mail address of the User.
These Personal Data will allow Galerie Patrick Seguin to identify directly or indirectly the web user’s skills and to improve them, and to send him/her its Newsletter and/or to answer his/her messages. When the web User discloses Personal Data, he/she will answer the questions asked when signing up to the Galerie Patrick Seguin Newsletter, and will thus disclose precise information, without prejudice to the rights and interests of bona fide third parties.
- Technical data and cookies
Galerie Patrick Seguin may automatically collect data which are said to be technical, such as login information or IP address, in accordance with the Applicable Regulations.
Galerie Patrick Seguin may also automatically collect data through cookies or tracers (see §4.9 about cookies below).
4.2.Purpose of collected data
Galerie Patrick Seguin collects these Personal Data for specific purposes, and notably in order to :
- give information and services as asked for by the User, and notably allow him/her to sign up to and receive the Galerie Patrick Seguin Newsletter,
- answer requests for contact and give the User every information he/she would like to be disclosed to him/her,
- allow the management, modification and improvement of the Site and of its operation,
- ensure compliance with the applicable legal and regulatory provisions, as well as with these Terms of Use,
- allow any other purpose as specified with the collection of data.
4.3.Legal basis for this processing operation / Consent
Processing of Personal Data is legally based on the implementation of the Terms of Use.
No Personal Data are collected without consent of the Users. The compulsory or optional nature of items to be disclosed to Galerie Patrick Seguin through the collection of data as carried out on the Site shall be stated beforehand to the Users. These Users shall in no way be forced to convey Personal Data to Galerie Patrick Seguin.
4.4.Identity of the personal data controller
Galerie Patrick Seguin is responsible for the collection and processing of Personal Data as carried out on the Site.
4.5.Recipient(s) of Personal Data
Galerie Patrick Seguin is the sole Recipient of Personal Data as collected on the Site.
Galerie Patrick Seguin only transmits Personal Data to a third party when :
- The User has given prior consent for the sharing of this information,
- Galerie Patrick Seguin must share this information with third parties in order to provide the service requested by the User,
- Galerie Patrick Seguin is required by legal or administrative authorities to communicate the relevant information.
4.6.Length of data retention
Personal Data are retained for the length of time necessary for the hereabove described purpose, and at most for a duration of three years after last contact.
Accepted cookies are retained for a limited duration (see §4.9 relating to cookies).
The User may at any time withhold his/her consent to the processing of his/her Personal Data for the purpose as based on this legal basis.
At the end of the retention period or at the request of the User Galerie Patrick Seguin will permanently delete Personal Data in their possession.
However Galerie Patrick Seguin may retain some Personal Data in order to comply with legal and/or regulatory requirements, or if this is necessary to allow them to exercise a right or for their defence in Court.
4.7.Data retention
In compliance with Applicable Regulations, Galerie Patrick Seguin takes all appropriate technical and organizational measures to secure the protection of the Users’ Personal Data and to allow the collection and processing of Personal Data under conditions ensuring their confidentiality, their integrity and more generally their security. However, it is recalled that Galerie Patrick Seguin does not control risks as relating to the working of the Internet and draws the Internet Users’ attention upon the existence of potential risks to the confidentiality of Personal Data circulating in that network.
Personal Data as collected by Galerie Patrick Seguin are kept and hosted within the European Union. However, Galerie Patrick Seguin specifies that Personal Data may be transferred to countries outside the European Union, but that this transfer will take place in compliance with the protection of the Users’ Personal Data and in accordance with the Applicable Regulations.
4.8. Rights of the User
In compliance with the Applicable Regulations, the User may exercise the following rights :
- Right of access : right to ask for access to one’s Personal Data and to obtain communication of details of Personal Data concerning the User under accessible and readable form,
- Right to limitation : right to ask for a limitation and restriction of the processing of one’s Personal Data,
- Right of rectification : right to ask for the modification, the rectification or the updating of Personal Data as pertaining to him/her when inaccurate or incomplete,
- Right to erase : right to ask for the deletion or the removal, free of charge, of all or part of the Personal Data pertaining to the User,
- Right to portability : right to the portability of one’s Personal Data, and right ot obtain communication of them in a easily reusable form,
- Right of opposition : right to object to the processing of Personal Data relating to the User,
- Right to give instructions in case of death : right to give instructions about the retention, deletion and communication of the User’s Personal Data after his/her death,
- Right of complaint : right to lodge a complaint before the competent Control Authority : the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (www.CNIL.fr),
- Right to withdraw consent : right to withdraw consent at any time.
The User may exercise these rights by sending :
- a letter to Galerie Patrick Seguin : 5 rue des Taillandiers – F 7011 Paris
- an e-mail to the following e-mail address : info@galeriepatrickseguin.com
4.9. Cookies
During consultation of the Site, information relating to browsing operations from the User’s terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.), may be recorded into “cookies” files as installed on the web User terminal.
Only the cookie issuer may read or modify information contained therein.
When the User connects to the Site, Galerie Patrick Seguin may want to install various cookies into the web User’s terminal in order to be able to recognize the browser during the period of validity of said cookies. Cookies as issued by Galerie Patrick Seguin are used for the hereafter described purposes, subject to the web User’s conditions resulting from navigation software parameters as used during browsing on the Site.
Cookies as issued by the Site allow the implementation of security measures, for instance when it is asked to connect again to a given content or service after a certain timeframe. The issuing and use of cookies by third parties are governed by the terms and conditions of use and privacy policies of said third parties. Galerie Patrick Seguin informs the Users of the purpose of cookies as known to it, and of the means available to the Users to make choices regarding these cookies. If need be the cookies as issued by these third parties may allow them, during the period of validity of these cookies, to keep track of the number of visits and thus to establish statistics;
User choices concerning cookies
Several possibilities are open to deal with the cookies. Every configuration as may be established by the User may modify his/her web browsing as well as the conditions for access to services requiring the use of cookies.
The User may at any time choose to express and modify his/her wishes concerning cookies, using the hereafter described means. The User may set up his/her Net browser so that cookies be recorded into his/her terminal or, on the contrary, be rejected, either systematically, or depending on the issuer. The User may also configure his/her browser so that acceptance or refusal of cookies be offered each time, before a cookie could be recorded into his/her terminal. For more information, see § 4.9. c) “How to exercise one’ choice according to one’s browser ?” hereafter.
(a) Agreement on cookies
The recording of a cookie into a terminal is essentially conditional on the terminal User’s wishes, which may be expressed and modified free of charge at any time through the choices as offered by his/her web browser.
If the User has accepted in his/her web browser the recording of cookies, the cookies as embedded in pages and contents consulted by the User may be temporarily stored in a dedicated space in his/her terminal. They will only be readable by the issuer.
(b) Refusal of cookies
If the User refuses the recording of cookies into his/her terminal, or if he/she deletes those that have been recorded, the User will no longer be able to benefit from some functionalities that are however necessary to surf in some spaces of the Site. Such would be the case if the User tried to access contents or services of the Site which require him/her to be identified. Such would also be the case if Galerie Patrick Seguin – or its service providers – were unable to recognize, for technical compatibility reasons, the browser type utilized by the User terminal, or its language and display settings, or the country from which your terminal seems to be connected to the Internet.
If need be, Galerie Patrick Seguin disclaims any liability for the consequences as associated with the degraded operation of its services resulting from the impossibility for it to record or consult cookies that are necessary for their operation, and that the User would have refused or deleted.
(c) How to exercise one’s choice according to one’s browser ?
The configuration of each browser varies according to the User’s management of cookies and choices. It is described in the browser’s Help menu, allowing the User to know how to modify his/her wishes relating to cookies.
For Internet Explorer™ :
For Safari™ :
For Chrome™ :
For Firefox™ :
For Opera™ :
Galerie Patrick Seguin makes every possible effort to ensure the accuracy and update of information as available on the Site, while reserving the right to amend its content at any time and without prior notice. However Galerie Patrick Seguin cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision and completeness of information as available on the Site, and this information shall not constitute any guarantee or commitment from Galerie Patrick Seguin with regard to the Net surfer. In particular, Galerie Patrick Seguin shall not be held liable :
- for any inaccuracy, incorrectness or omission pertaining to information as available on the Site,
- for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion of a third party entailing an alteration of information as available on the Site,
- and more generally for any damage, whether direct or indirect, whatever the cause, origin, nature and consequences thereof, as caused by access by anybody to the Site or the inability to access the Site, as well as for the use of the Site and/or credit given to any information gained directly ou indirectly from it,
- for the unavailability or performance of the Site,
- for lost profit, loss of opportunity or loss of turnover,
- for the non-functioning, inability to access or dysfunction of the Site as may be ascribed to inadequate equipment, to the dysfunction of the Users’ access provider services, to that of the Internet network.
Galerie Patrick Seguin reserves the right to interrupt access to all or part of the Site, to all or some end Users, in a temporary manner, for reasons of maintenance regarding the smooth operation of the Site, without prior notice and without this interruption conferring the User any right to any indemnity.
The User states that he/she agrees with the characteristics and limits of the Internet, and notably acknowledges that data as circulating on the Internet are not protected against any possible misuse.
Assuming that one of the Terms of Service would be considered as illegal or unopposable by a Court decision, the other provisions would remain unaffected.
Galerie Patrick Seguin’s computerized records shall be deemed by the parties to be proof of the communications, orders, payments and transactions occurring between them.
These Legal Notices have been drawn up in conformity with French law, and notably with the provisions of Act n°2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for the Confidence in the Digital Economy, and with Act n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to Computer, Database and Liberties. French Courts are territorially competent for all litigation related to the use of the Site.
For any question that the web user could ask about the use of the Site and/or about these Legal Notices, or for any request he/she would wish to submit to Galerie Patrick Seguin, he/she may send an e-mail to the following address : info@patrickseguin.com.